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Lada Niva / 2101-2107 Carburetor And TBI Chain Tensioner AUTOMATIC

Installation guide and

Made in Russia.

Fits all Classic Lada 
Fits all Lada Niva with a carburetor 
Fits all Lada Niva with Monoinjector (TBI)
Why we recommend automatic chain tensioner for every Lada engine?

- Increases the life of all engine timing parts
- Chain tensioner always works. No matter your engine started or not.
- Improved engine performance due to precise valve timing.
- The step of moving the tensioner is only 1 mm, which makes it possible to optimally track the tension of the chain
- As a result of installation, the engine noise is significantly reduced

Installed on Ladapower Niva and works perfect already 80000km.


Partnumber: 2101-1006060
Product Code: 27964
In stock
81 pieces
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0.300 kg
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